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The Aromatic and structural joy of Merlot & Petit Verdot, supported with a good dash of Malbec & rounded out with the perfume of Cabernet Sauvignon . The result is an intertwining muthafunkylicious bottle of just plain YUM!

Six Bottle Case $180.00 | Dozen Price $342

 Download Tasting Note


Merlot from our Stelzer Road Block Petit Verdot and Malbec from our Stone Well Hill Block and Cabernet Sauvignon from our Horse Paddock Block 


Vermilion lips promises of kisses to follow


Initially the waft of an exotic well coiffed lady of mystery seductively catches the edge of your nose before her jealous beau dressed in tweed looms out of the bramble patch carefully packing a cherry wood pipe with three nuns Tobacco giving a warning glance…


The stick is pushed forward and a heady dive into a whirlpool of gauzy silken scarves, coy glances and promises of heaven while the steady Rhumba of a well rounded dancer leads you ever further from the safety of your friends. You turn to look back but the purple haze obscures your vision and cherry wood sticks softly tap on your thighs; warnings of discipline to come… Before the night draws to a close.


The ‘crafty winesplashery’ part of my life has always had a ‘hunt for yum’ at it’s core. The ‘gluggy lipsmackery’ part of my life has always described the successful results of this quest as ‘yummy’. The ‘cheeky vonbuggery’ part of my life does not give a damn about any hoity toity, lofty raised eyebrows this may cause. Those ‘Right Bank’ Continental Winemakers were
definitely onto a group of
varietals that work together because my ‘Jocktightometer’ just about broke the needle when I had my first session on this blend. The Aromatic and structural joy of Merlot & Petit Verdot, supported with a good dash of Cabernet Sauvignon & rounded out with the perfume of Malbec. The result is an intertwining muthafunkylicious bottle of just plain YUM!
