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The 2021 'Nicki's Symphony no.4 celebrates the '3 Kid's' mum - Nicki & Cabernet Sauvignon all in the one bottle. Barossa Cabernet is one of the dark horse varieties of this wonderful region... loved most by those who value taste above staid convention. Non Traditional but completely awesome!

Six Bottle Case $180 | Dozen Price $342

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Crafted entirely from fruit sourced from our home blocs 'Horse Paddock' and House on the Hill Cabernet Sauvignon on the home block on Stelzer Road.


Deep Red


Blackcurrants, raspberries and cherries interwoven with dark mocha chocolate  fennel seed and red licorice.


Rich mouth filling palate pleasing deliciousness. The bright fresh youthful red and purple fruits sit center stage and as the palate widens, deeper darker aged characters become apparent. While light on its feet it still has oodles of Barossa goodness a-plenty.


When it comes to varietals and wine, deep down inside I reckon each one of us has a favorite; Barossa Cabernet Sauvignon is undoubtedly mine. It is as unique and distinctive as the more famous Shiraz, But for me, there is so much more going on. The flavour spectrum encompasses an absolute treasure box of liquorice, red and black summer berries, anise fennel spice box and chocolate. In my (biased) opinion, few things can match the poise of full flight Barossa Cabernet... . 


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